
The Great North Luzon Adventure, part 4: Sagada Lite

Under cut: Things to do in Sagada if you only had a couple of days to spare and absolutely no desire to go caving.


The Great North Luzon Adventure, part 3

Under cut: trekking, secret gardens, bliss, hot chocolate, etc. Photos via my GalaxyTab.


The Great North Luzon Adventure, part 2

Warning: Crazy day ahead featuring some swimming (srsly, in the middle of Baguio weather), a trip to the museum, a book shop in the clouds and fire dancing. Hence -- a shit ton of photos. Anyway, I'm using photos taken via GalaxyTab using the free Vignette app -- me likey! (You've probably seen these photos on Twitter -- pardon my newfound way of taking notes while on the go, heh.)

(Crazy under cut)


The Great North Luzon Adventure, part 1

Before this trip, I had been to Baguio a total of three times -- twice in elementary for a leadership camp and a science camp, and then for a read-along session with Kristie Kenney in November 2008. The trips were rushed and business-related, though for the read-along we had a chance to go around a bit and eat at Oh my Gulay on Session Road and shop at the Baguio market after the event, but that was that.

And so, with my Baguio-newbieness in mind, when I got the invite last year for this year's Grand Northern Luzon Tour with Andrea's family, the first question in my mind was: What are we going to do in Baguio for that long?

Apparently, plenty.

(Under cut: old things in her Malabon house, old photos, and a reintroduction to Baguio)


old love letters

"God i wish i knew if this was all going to end as happily as it began."


and i'm getting older, too

(Woohoo gay introspection and Glee spoilers for 2.15 under cut!)


La Luz, Batangas (March 2011)

(Summary: We were in La Luz, Laiya, Batangas on Saturday! There were a lot of beach photos! Some under cut!)


life roundup, week ending 3.4

So... this week: T-minus-24hrs before we hit the first beach for 2011, Sugarfree, and can we please, PLEASE talk about Skins UK season 5? -- under cut.