
on why more girls are lesbian or bi

An article on PsychologyToday.com I happened to stumble upon a few days ago posed a couple of interesting questions: Why is it more OK for girls to be bisexual or homosexual, but not boys? and, Are there many girl-girl couples out there because it's really who they are or because the guys are such losers?

If a straight boy kissed another boy, perhaps to amuse some girls who might be watching, he would be unlikely to undergo a change in sexual orientation as a result. But, as Professor Roy Baumeister at Florida State University and others have shown, sexual attraction in many women seems to be more malleable. If a teenage girl kisses another teenage girl, for whatever reason, and she finds that she likes it - then things can happen, and things can change. If a young woman finds her soulmate, and her soulmate happens to be female, then she may begin to experience feelings she's never felt before.

Especially if all the guys she knows are losers.

LOL. OK so I plead guilty re asking my still-straight girl friends who have had their share of asshole boyfriends/boyflings why they still bother with boys - in jest, yeah, but jokes are half-meant aren't they, haha. But seriously now.

Honest, I feel slightly offended whenever people assume that two girls are only together because they can't find decent guys. Especially when these assuming people are, well, guys. YOU GUYS, sometimes it hits us unexpectedly, too, okay? Not everything happens amid drunken stupor (though this doesn't mean things discovered amid drunken stupor are less valid, by the way) and not everything goes the way that Katy Perry song goes, okay? Sometimes it hits you while you're not looking, and I guess girls really are malleable these days, aren't they. They're not as repulsed by the thought of getting close with a girl friend the way boys are similarly defensive when chided about bromance (Though is this still the case? I'm not in a position to observe, as I'm never really around boys these days.)

Anyway, that said, I guess if I'm supposed to identify the main thing that's most attractive about being with a girl, I can't pinpoint a specific one, exactly. I'd just have to settle with saying that the past two and a half years of my life have been the best ever. On the more concrete level, I turn to this girl quoted in the article:

"It was just such a welcome change, to snuggle under a blanket on the couch with my girlfriend, watch a movie, and talk about God and death and growing old, to be intimate emotionally and spiritually as well as physically. I don't know a guy who could even comprehend the conversations we have."

Um, yeah. Ditto.

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