Was at
Anvaya with the family Monday! Thank goodness for the fantastic weather. Left Krista's apartment in Quezon City at 6 a.m., had a quick breakfast at Jollibee NLEX, left there around 7, and arrived in Morong, Bataan via SCTEx around 9:30-ish. Not bad.
Anvaya's pool complex. Definitely the strongest point of this place. |
It was a bit crowded (against expectations) but it was all right, as the resort space was huge and there were a lot of available tables and beach seats scattered all around the pool and the shore. Ayala really knows how to landscape its places and Anvaya is no exception -- complete with fountains and koi ponds, the works. The entrance to the beach club itself was wide wooden plank bridge over a pond that housed white ducks (DUCKS!)
There's also no complaining about pool space -- there are about six of them, including a kiddie pool (which we did not visit) and a jacuzzi pool. The sea is good, if not for my trauma with jellyfishes and, well, stray fishes. No corals though, I was told; the seafloor was soft sand, save for stray rocks.
Pool complex partial photo. Shot from atop a five-story tower. |
A bit disappointed about the lockers and showers though -- after being spoiled at
Hamilo Coast the previous week, that is. Anvaya's open-air lockers were a bit cramped for space (comment for both the locker and the locker room entirely), and the limited number of shower stalls (about six or seven only) caused a line or two to form toward the end of the day. Plus points though for the heavenly shower head, the seat inside the shower stall, the thoughtful inclusion of a green plastic bag in the locker for your wet stuff and a nifty swimsuit dryer beside the lockers.
I loved the food though -- at least they offered more than pizzas hehe. We had rice and grilled things -- Dad had fish, Auntie and I had liempo, Wy had chicken while Krista had prawns. Their shakes were also fantastic.
Liempo/beach = OTP. Also, this is why I'm fat. |
After lunch, toured the place a bit and found it irresistible just not to try the adult playground/jungle gym/excitement place a few meters beside the pools. I just decided to take photos of my decidedly more agile/able siblings for fear of possibly injuring myself. Hehe.
Ngl just seeing this on the sand made me giddy. |
ANYWAY. Pics or it didn't happen!
Still a dream: Beach volley with beach mates. Haha what is Project Summer 2012. Let's not forget our volleyballs next year! |
Shoreline. |
Love how the pools are separated by not-quite-walls -- can virtually transfer pools by wading through them. I'm lying down on one when I took this shot haha. Also in this photo: the tower. |
Sibs! Krista and Wy, plus a couple of huge decorative rocks and kuya lifeguard, who has been worried all day re: Why the hell do we keep on dipping this cam into the water?! Kuya, relax! |
Back to me. Auntie, Wy, Krista, rock. |
Gratuitous Photo of Myself hanging out with a giant rock (an easy favorite -- nice one, Ayala.) |
View during lunch time. The life. See those rolling clouds over those mountains? Oh man. Also: Haha bad flashbacks about MOUNTAINS this side of the world. (See also: The Agaw Buhay Adventure) |
A few sea shots. As I was kinda spooked by talk of jellyfishes. |
Playground for the not-too-young-but-not-too-old-yet. Haha. Very Glorietta, yes? Hahaha. |
Check out Wy's certainly ANTM-inspired pose |
With knees shaky as hell haha. This would have been blurred had it not for the fantastic lighting available. |
The sea at the golden hour. |
Technical notes on this trip: Anvaya: Day visit to Anvaya P400/head, inclusive of P250 consumable on food and beverages, plus free towel rental (worth P50 each). Locker rental cost P50/head. Ayala Land Premier property specialist Coco Midel graciously endorsed us to this weekday daytrip (coco.ayala [at] gmail) -- thank you! :) Meals start at P225 -- inclusive of rice and veggies. Drinks start at P65.
Transpo: Rented a van this time around as our pick-up truck was in no condition to drive from Cavite to Bataan hehe. Sleek Starex c/o KD Transport of the Taguiam couple (kdtransportservices [at] gmail -- thank you!) drove us safely to Morong and back. Breakdown: P3000 van, ~P2000 gas, P730 2-way toll via NLEX, SCTEX. Seeing my dad and auntie thoroughly relaxed and divested of driving duties for this entire trip: Priceless. :)
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