
app crush

I'd like to introduce you to my latest app crush, If this then that. Basically, it's a site that allows you to automate tasks over the Internet. How? Simply put, it lets you define an "if I do this" task and an "and then this happens here" result.


So far here's how I use it: If I tweet anything on my @thegshift account (excluding @replies), then IFTTT automatically ships the tweets to a notebook I keep on Evernote -- incidentally, also an app crush.

Why I like this automation: I used to be able to collate my tweets via LoudTweet (which used to ship the compilation to my old LJ), but that service was interrupted when I decided to turn my Twitter account to private. Which was a bummer, but now, it seems like I've found a way to compile my tweets without having to open up my account. Which is nifty. VERY NIFTY.

I also would like to emphasize that IFTTT is collating my non-@reply tweets, because God knows I'm too talkative on Twitter haha and oftentimes I find myself looking for the things I post (links, quotes, photos, etc) underneath all that babble. So there. Voila!

So this is what it looks like -- I tweet all day, then when I go home at night, I open up Evernote on my desktop and then merge all of the tweets for the day. So far, I'm finding it very useful for someone like me, as I'm 1) always on Twitter and 2) always using Twitter to collect stuff from everywhere: Longreads, nice videos I can't access in the office because of firewalls, NSFW photos of Christina Hendricks, etc.

As Cassie of Skins is wont to say: Oh, wow. Yep.

Other things you can do with IFTTT: It's not just about Twitter. You can link tasks between Wordpress, LinkedIn, Instagram (I am actually envious, as I do not have Instagram). Tumblr, Facebook, Gmail, Google Calendar, Dropbox etc. etc.

I also have a link between Twitter and Tumblr (If I tweet anything with the hashtag #longreads, it automatically generates a Link post on my Tumblr), and I am very, very interested about what it can do with Dropbox in the fray. When I have the time, I'll tinker.

For now, go and have a look around! :)

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